Education Quality Framework

The Education Quality Framework (EQF) was developed to provide consistent standards of educational quality in Migrant Learning Centers, through a comprehensive process of consultations and workshops with migrant education stakeholders beginning in November 2015. Thanks to the sound collaboration between the Migrant Educational Co-ordination Center (MECC), the Burmese Migrant Workers' Education Committee, Help without Frontiers Thailand Foundation, the Burmese Migrant Teachers' Association and TeacherFocus Myanmar, a tool has been developed to assess the quality of migrant education across five domains: teacher quality and support, student recognition, child protection, school management, and parent engagement.

Following a pilot of the tool in school year 2016-2017, the EQF was implemented in 38 MLCs in 2017-2018 and in 54 MLCs the following year. In school year 2018-2019, learning centres scored on average 70%, with a 3% increase with respect to the previous year. All learning centres under Help without Frontiers are implementing the tool and almost all of them scored "Excellent" or "Good" across all domains.The EQF tool is available in Myanmar, Thai, and English languages and has been approved by the Royal Thai Government’s Ministry of Education.