Help without Frontiers exists not only in South Tyrol, but also in Thailand and Austria. You can also donate to Help without Frontiers in the USA. In some countries, the donations are tax deductible. We are trying to extend the list of countries in which our international donors can have tax benefits.


Since 2012, donations to Help without Frontiers Austria are tax deductible. Since January 2017, a new law requires private donors to provide their birth date to be eligible for tax exemptions. Please find more information here.

Help without Frontiers Austria has two donation accounts:

1) Raiffeisenbank Graz-Strassgang
Account Nr. 3.804.838
BLZ: 38439
IBAN: AT963843900003804838

2) BTV-Bank für Tirol und Vorarlberg
Account Nr. 100 – 465 140
BLZ: 16000
IBAN: AT621600000100465140


It is possible to donate directly through the network "Transnational Giving Europe" to the "Maecenata Foundation". These donations are tax deductible. Our German partner deducts 5% from all donations to cover the administration costs. If you do not need a tax deductible receipt, we kindly ask you to donate directly to our Italian account or by credit card/PayPal.
German partner: Maecenata Stiftung
Bankhaus Loebbecke
Account Nr. 1061 0007 01
BLZ: 10030500
IBAN: DE89 1003 0500 1061 0007 01
We kindly ask you to insert "Help without Frontiers" + the project you would like to support + your complete address in the payment reason.


All donations to Help without Frontiers Italy are tax deductible. If you want you can donate for a specific project (a school uniform, rice, a school year, teacher salary) please indicate the project in the payment reason. If you need a tax deductible receipt please send your full contact details (name, surname and address) at [email protected]

It is possible to donate to Aiutare senza Confini - Helfen ohne Grenzen to the following bank accounts

1) Cassa Centrale Raiffeisen
Account Nr. 4.444-0 
IBAN: IT18S0349311600000300044440

2) Cassa di Risparmio dell’Alto Adige
Account Nr. 236000
IBAN: IT38J0604511601000000236000

3) Banca Popolare dell’Alto Adige
Account Nr. 6.922
IBAN: IT73S0585658220070571326922


Swiss donors can donate directly through our partner organization "Brodtbeck Philanthropy Foundation". 

All donations can be deducted from Swiss tax.
Please send a short email to [email protected] and please forward a copy to [email protected].
Please mention in your mail:
-Full name and address of the donor in Switzerland
-Donation amount (min. 500 SFR) with the project you would like to support

Bank account:
Brodtbeck Philanthropy Foundation
Hardstrasse 42, CH-4133 Pratteln
UBS Switzerland AG, CH-4051 Basel
IBAN Nr: CH98 0023 3233 1981 1201K
Konto Nr: 233-198112.01K
We kindly ask you to insert "Help without Frontiers" in the payment reason.


All donations to Help without Frontiers Thailand can take the form of money transfer on the organization's bank account: 

Help without Frontiers Foundation Thailand
Kasikorn Bank Public Company Ltd. Mae Sot Branch
Account no. 212-2-67133-2


Help without Frontiers is a partner of the King Baudouin Foundation United States, registered there as HELP WITHOUT FRONTIERS US FUND. All donations in the USA are therefore tax deductible. We ask donors who don't need a donation receipt in the USA to donate directly to us (bank transfer, Credit Card or PayPal). Click here if you wish to make a donation by bank transfer in the USA.


It is possible to donate directly through the network "Transnational Giving Europe" to the "Charities Aid Foundation". These donations are tax deductible. Our British partner deducts 5% from all donations to cover the administration costs and the minimum amount for a donation is 250 GBP. If you do not need a tax deductible receipt, we kindly ask you to donate directly to our Italian account or by credit card/PayPal.
Our British donors can send an e-mail to [email protected]. They will receive two forms to complete. As soon as our partners receive their forms, the donors will receive the bank details.