Our Stories

22 Mar, 2019
In the last weeks of school year 2018-2019, migrant students in Migrant Learning Centres sat down for their final exams. Headmasters/mistresses and teachers also organised a Parents and Teachers Association (PTA)... read more...
18 Feb, 2019
Burmese migrants in Thailand often live in a condition of extreme poverty and lack proper legal documents. As a result of lack of documentation and legal statuses, many struggle to access basic services, such as... read more...
11 Feb, 2019
The Education For All (EFA) is a global movement led by UNESCO, aiming to meet the learning needs of all children, youth and adults. Thailand has long demonstrated adherence and commitment towards the EFA policy thus... read more...
22 Jan, 2019
Early Childhood Care and Develpment (ECCD) can be defined as a holistic development of children including physical, cognitive, language, social and emotional development from conception to age five. Early childhood... read more...