Donate a school year

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Learning and education are often the only chance for vulnerable children to transform their lives and escape poverty and marginalisation.
Burmese migrant children along the Thai-Myanmar border do not have access to public schools as they live in a persistent situation of extreme poverty and illegality. Burmese parents are employed as illegal workers in factories and fields, their work is underpaid and their living conditions poor. Burmese families survive on a very small income and struggle to ensure children go to school rather than work.

Help without Frontiers is working to ensure that every child receives a good quality education, beyond the constraints posed by his or her vulnerability.

Our goal is to allow these children to attend school and to hope for a brighter future.

My name is Ei Ei Htway and I came to Thailand with my 13 siblings. We are all orphans. When we got here, my brothers and sisters were crying all the time but I was too young to understand. Since the beginning, Ah Yone Oo became my school, my shelter, and my home. Today I’m attending Grade 5. I’m happy to have the chance to study because when I grow up I’m going to be a doctor!